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Bitchie's Books

Avid reader, part time gamer. I read and review books for other readers, not for authors. I review mostly M/M books, so if that doesn't float your boat, well, there are other boats in the sea, other reviewers in this great blogosphere!

Currently reading

In The Absence of Light
Adrienne Wilder
My Brother's Lover
Lynn Kelling

Cross our bridges when we come to them

Cross our bridges when we come to them - RemainNameless I picked this one because the previous fics I've read by this author were more on the sexy side. This wasn't that, at all. And contrary to the kind of cutesy, funny blurb, this was NOT a cutesy funny story. This story was sad and angsty and deep. It was REALLY good, just not what I expected.

I know this author is quite young (18-19, I think), but there were several rather glaring errors in this fic that I feel need to be pointed out.

-One, I don't think you can get hired on as a deputy and go right to work, no training.
-Two, A car hits Derek's Camaro, and it ends up flipping, but a few days(three at most) later, Derek is driving it, no mention of damage or getting it repaired, which there was no time to do, because Derek was in a healing sleep for those days.
-Three, when a person has no brain activity, that's it, they don't wake up a day later, perfectly fine.
-Four, at one point, Derek mentions leaving his phone at home, a few minutes later, he has his phone and is calling 911, but he never went to pick it up.

Other than those glaring errors, I really enjoyed this fic. Derek is very damaged from his encounter with Kate, and I thought it was all beautifully done. This was the first fic I think I've read that was entirely from Derek's POV, and I really missed Stiles.