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Bitchie's Books

Avid reader, part time gamer. I read and review books for other readers, not for authors. I review mostly M/M books, so if that doesn't float your boat, well, there are other boats in the sea, other reviewers in this great blogosphere!

Currently reading

In The Absence of Light
Adrienne Wilder
My Brother's Lover
Lynn Kelling

Mexican Heat #1 Crimes&Cocktails Series

Mexican Heat - Josh Lanyon, Laura Baumbach I'm not really sure why I waited so long to read this, it was really good. It did feel a bit like two completely different books though, as part one was told from Gabriel's POV, and part two from Antonio's. I wish it had either been told from alternating POVs from the start, or that they POVs had been switched, because I think seeing through Gabriel's eyes what he went through was more important to know. Still, this was a very good, very HOT story, and now I join the rest of the m/m world, anxiously awaiting a book two that might never come.