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Bitchie's Books

Avid reader, part time gamer. I read and review books for other readers, not for authors. I review mostly M/M books, so if that doesn't float your boat, well, there are other boats in the sea, other reviewers in this great blogosphere!

Currently reading

In The Absence of Light
Adrienne Wilder
My Brother's Lover
Lynn Kelling

To Be Still in the Storm

To Be Still in the Storm - AllTheFoolsFallInLove Ok, I liked, and kinda understood the first bit of this fic. I can see Stiles feeling like he's not really Pack, but more Pack adjacent. Unworthy, like he doesn't quite fit. My heart broke for him. But then the ending and Derek's confession of love just seemed to come out of left field, and it was a bit too sweet and sappy for my taste.