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Bitchie's Books

Avid reader, part time gamer. I read and review books for other readers, not for authors. I review mostly M/M books, so if that doesn't float your boat, well, there are other boats in the sea, other reviewers in this great blogosphere!

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In The Absence of Light
Adrienne Wilder
My Brother's Lover
Lynn Kelling

Fucking Fantastic

Catch a Ghost - S.E. Jakes

Fucking Fantastic. That was my first thought when I finished this book. It did take me a couple of chapters to get into it, but once I did, this book and these characters did not let me go.


This book reminded me a lot of Roux and Urban's Cut & Run series. Prophet, a snarky badass with a bunch of intense training, former Navy Seal, former Spook, current mercenary for a company called Extreme Escapes, or EE for short. Tom, former FBI agent, former Deputy Sheriff, the newest member of EE, who doesn't have the same specialized training as Prophet, but he does come with his own skill set. He knows things. It's not really given a name, beyond Cajun Voodoo (Prophet),  but really, he just knows when shit is about to go down. He has feelings, and has learned to trust his gut.


Oh and Prophet keeps seeing the ghost of his dead partner. Or it's his own conscience, I'm never quite sure which it really is. In spite of this, and Tommy's Cajun Voodoo, this book never FELT paranormal to me, it just felt like just something that happens to these two men. Not like some secret paranormal organization is going to come recruiting, or vampires or werewolves are going to be jumping out of the woodwork.


Neither man wants a partner, but the boss says no one goes without, so these two must work together. It's a kind of lust/hate at first sight kind of thing.They are sent to investigate the death of the brother of Prophet's old partner in the SEALs, and they are thrown into and underground fighting ring, where things are NOT as they seem, as the past comes back to haunt Prophet, and drags Tommy in, too.


And baggage! Boy do these men have baggage.

Prophet has guilt over men he couldn't save, and Tom has the guilt of three dead partners, and feels that he is cursed, bad luck to anyone stuck with him as a partner, and that he's just a liability.


But the chemistry between these men is off the charts hot. They fight, they fuck, they work together, then they fight and fuck some more. What they don't do, is talk. Oh they give each other little bits, but neither man is willing to get down to the heart of what's really haunting him, and I just wanted to shake them and MAKE them talk it out. The ending is a bit of a cliffhanger, and my heart broke a little bit for these damaged men.


All in all, this was a fantastic start to a new series, which apparently is spun off some of her other work, so now I'm going to have to go back and check them out for all things Prophet, because that man flat fascinates me. I have to say, after reading about half this author's Men of Honor series and now this, this book is the best thing of hers I've read. I liked MoH well enough, but this series and it's spin off books are the ones that are going to keep me panting for more.